My pirate name is:
Red Grace Flint

Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
Sorry I haven`t updated th' blog in a while. `Tis been a wee crazy around here wi' voyage calls an' temple appointments an' open house plannin' an' such. Nay only be me laddie leavin' on a voyage on Octobree 22, but so be me boyfriend - Michael. He reports on th' 29th tho an' he`s nay goin' t' India, but t' Portland, OR. Needless t' say, plenty o' stuff t' do! Enjoy th' swashbuckler' be havin' some fun! My aft be messed up some more. I had another MRI done last tides an' I sailed' aft t' th' spinal surgeon t' get th' results. Th' disc t'ain't lookin' so great an' th' vertebrae be showin' some signs o' injury as well. I be goin' t' start steroid injections an' get some o' th' scar tissue clisted ou'. Hopefully, 't will hold me o'er fer a while. Disc replacement be loomin'....
And now for some pirate humor....
Q: How do pirates know that they’re pirates?
A: They think; therefore they arrrr.
Q: How much was the pirate charged to get his ear pierced?
A: Buccaneer
A: Buccaneer
Some great links about this special day:
Even Google got in on the Pirate Fun!
The origins on TLAPD....Dave Berry is awesome!!
There's even a TLAPD song too....
Even Google got in on the Pirate Fun!
The origins on TLAPD....Dave Berry is awesome!!
There's even a TLAPD song too....
Normal translation:
Hello guys and is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you aren't talking like a pirate, you might upset my family and they'll hurt you.....So......
Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while. It's been a little crazy around here with mission calls and temple appointments and open house planning and such. Not only is my brother leaving on a mission on October 22, but so is my boyfriend - Michael. He reports on the 29th though and he's not going to India, but to Portland, OR. Needless to say, plenty of stuff to do!
My back is messed up some more. I had another MRI done last week and I went back to the spinal surgeon to get the results. The disc isn't looking so great and the vertebrae are showing some signs of injury as well. I'm going to start steroid injections and get some of the scar tissue cleaned out. Hopefully, it will hold me over for a while. Disc replacement is looming....